The Smart society We live in the society of Smart: smart watches, smart beds, smart phones, TVs, the list goes on. However, I bet you hadn´t considered that cities can be smart too. A smart city implements intelligent solutions to…
Opening a research centre in the Canary Islands: a business case
The traditional architecture for R&D organization has changed over the years. The classic model with one central R&D office where all the research takes place and where all the staff has to move in from all over the world in…
Marine Biotechnology opportunities in the Canary Islands
I bet you associate the Canary Islands with sun, beach and holidays. However, do you also associate them with top-notch marine life scientific research? You should! The Spanish archipelago has an Algae Biotechnology Platform (PEBA for its initials in Spanish)…
How to lure millennial talent into your start-up
What Millennials want: How to attract and retain millennial talent Almost every modern business sector out there is employing Millennials, from tech to R&D and including healthcare and retail. However, how many of them are really paying attention to what…
Top 10 factors for business sites selection
One of the most important boxes to tick when opening a business is it´s physical location. This will unavoidably affect every aspect of your company, from your capacity to do business all the way to your turnover rate. According to…
Renewable Energy solutions in the Canary Islands
Energy is, by its own definition, one of the very engines that keep the world spinning. However, not all regions of the world have access to it or the capabilities to generate it. The African continent has been suffering from…
Imagine a working day in the Canary Islands
Workers from all over the world have chosen to work from the natural paradise called the Canary Islands. The Spanish archipelago offers all the resources needed to work, plus the opportunity to have work-life balance and an outstanding quality of…
Trisbee begins its expansion in Europe from the Canary Islands
Trisbee is a technology company from the Czech Republic that offers an innovative digital payment method between businesses and their clients. Founded in Prague in 2017, its business is focused on SMEs, which offer a cash-free digital charging solution, with…
Software Advisory Service seeks talent in the Canary Islands
Software Advisory Service foresees the creation of 65 jobs in the Canary Islands and up to 150 jobs in the next two years Software Advisory Service, Scottish technology advisory and shared service company, has an ambitious two-year-project consisting of the…
ATOS Consulting Canarias, a success story
ATOS Consulting Canarias, a success story of outsourcing and shared services in the Canary Islands. We will let you in on a little secret: Your company doesn´t need to be based in the same place as your clients. If you…