These legal conditions are set out by Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Economía S.A. (PROEXCA) hereinafter PROEXCA, in order to determine the criteria and conditions of use of the website: www.canaryislandshub.com.
Holder Data
As prescribed in the Law of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce LSSICE 34/2002, PROEXCA provides data on the owner of this website:
Identification and contact details
Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Económico S.A. (PROEXCA)
NIF: A38282455
Address: C/ Imeldo Serís, 57. 38003, Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Telephone: 922 47 04 50
email: dpoproexca@dataseg.es
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Las Palmas, Tome 1448, Page 152, Sheet G.C. 21907
On entering this website, the browser becomes a user. Along with access, use and benefit of this website, the user accepts the conditions set forth in this section, in the version published at the time he/she enters it. PROEXCA reserves the right to modify its legal conditions at any time, as well as to make whatever technical or visual improvement it deems appropriate. In the event of modifications infringing on user privacy, the changes will be notified in advance.
For further information please consult our Privacy Policy: www.canaryislandshub.com/privacy-policy/
This website contains links to third-party pages, in order to provide additional information on the topics discussed in our news section, expand information about our services, include information about our collaborators, trusted pages and other institutions, and facilitate user access to the profiles PROEXCA has in the different social media outlets and internet platform services.
PROEXCA only manages and is responsible for the website www.canaryislandshub.com. The links on our website have been chosen in good faith, taking due care, but under no circumstances PROEXCA responsible for the contents, offers and / or products and services that the user can find on the pages to which they redirected.
PROEXCA is a registered trademark in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office - SPTO by Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Economía S.A. (PROEXCA). It cannot be used by anyone other than its owner unless they has its consent.
Likewise, all web content, design, applications, graphic and multimedia content, blog posts, written content of different sections, web development, logos, brands, products, and any other object subject to ownership rights, intellectual and industrial, mentioned or not in the previous list that is declaratory, not limitative, are property of Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Economía SA (PROEXCA), or third parties. The total or partial reproduction, copying, distribution, dissemination, transformation, commercialization, or any other activity that undermines the rights of the website owner, or holders of intellectual or industrial property rights is not allowed. Users can only make private use of this website.
By entering and using this website, the user implicitly accepts the following general conditions:
a) Intellectual Property: The user may not use the information contained herein, or the design, or its graphic content without the authorization of the website owners, or of the owners of the intellectual and industrial property rights. In the event of the contrary, they would contravening intellectual and industrial property rights.
a). The total or partial reproduction of the contents of the web is not permitted.
b). The use of the commercial name, brand, image, or the PROEXCA logo is not permitted
c). If you wish to reproduce or use the blog posts, you must request consent from the website owner.
b) The user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided and undertakes to communicate any changes that arise in them.
c) The enabling of cookies is voluntary, the user must block them or leave the page before enabling them, which will happen a reasonable time after entering the website.
d) The user is responsible for the comments made in the publications of our blog, as well as for the data that could be revealed through them. Please refrain from posting personal or private information.
Data Protection: PROEXCA, has established and implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures that guarantee the security of personal data provided by the user in such a way as to prevent its alteration, loss, treatment and / or unauthorized access, given the state of the art, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment.
Cookies: The user with cookie blocking technology or similar, should know that such blocking may lead to deficiencies in the browsing and use of this website. In this sense, PROEXCA will not be responsible either in whole or in part for said incident. For more information about our Privacy Policy please visit (Place link to privacy policy).
Comments: PROEXCA is not responsible for the contents of comments left by users on its website and / or its blog. There is no active tracking of comments and therefore, PROEXCA, is not responsible for the time that an inappropriate comment remains posted on this website / blog. In the event that the website owner, or a user finds a comment that damages the rights of third parties, or that violates the security, integrity, or morality of the community, said comment may be removed.
The rules laid down in Spanish Laws shall apply.
Users: In case of dispute, the competent Courts and Tribunals will consider the matter according to what the applicable legal regulations provide: the address of the buyer or the place of enforcement of the obligation.